FREE! Celebrity chef and host of ‘Lidia’s Kitchen’ Lidia Bastianich will talk about her new cookbook, her inspiring personal story and the role that food has played in her life.

Lidia Bastianich, celebrity chef and host of the Emmy Award-winning PBS series Lidia’s Kitchen, will talk about her new cookbook, her inspiring personal story and the role that food has played in her life. This event will include an opportunity to purchase a signed copy of one or both of Lidia’s recent books: My American Dream: A Life of Love, Family, and Food and Lidia’s A Pot, A Pan, and a Bowl. Attendees may also bring their own books for Lidia to sign.

Bastianich is an Emmy award-winning public television host, a best-selling cookbook author, restaurateur, and owner of a flourishing food and entertainment business. Specializing in Italian American cuisine, she has been a regular contributor to public television cooking shows since 1998. Bastianich ends each episode of her show with an invitation to join her and her family for a meal: Tutti a tavola a mangiare!

Presented by the Dr. Neil Euliano Chair in Italian Studies at UCF.

UCF Department of Modern Languages and Literatures



Free events at UCF Celebrates the Arts often reach reservation capacity. If you are not able to make a reservation for this event, we encourage you to join the wait line, which will start one hour prior to the event. While we cannot guarantee that everyone in the wait line will be accommodated, we will make every attempt to fill unclaimed seats.